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姓 名 |
杨小远 |
职 称 |
教授 |
所属系别 |
信息与计算科学系 |
学科专业 |
应用数学 |
办公地点 |
旧主410 |
办公电话 |
010-82317932 |
电子邮件 |
xiaoyuanyang@vip.163.com; xiaoyuanyang@buaa.edu.cn |
教育背景 |
杨小远,女,1964年出生,教授,博导 1981.9-1985.9 辽宁大学数学系计算数学专业获理学学士学位 1985.9-1988.3 中科院沈阳计算所计算数学专业获理学硕士学位 2002.9-2007.12 北京航空航天大学计算机应用专业获工学博士学位 |
工作简历 |
2000.9-现在 北京航空航天大学数学与系统科学学院,教授,博导 |
科研项目 |
1) 计算数学:随机微分方程理论与数值逼近方法研究
2) 应用调和分析:框架小波变换、各向异性多尺度变换
3) 图像处理:图像压缩、融合、图像分析与理解
1) 主持国家自然基金项目《基于各项异性双树复紧框架变换的多源遥感图像融合算法研究》,61671002, 2017.1-2020.12
2) 主持国家自然基金项目《对偶框架各向异性提升变换理论与应用研究》,61271010,2013.1-2016.12
3) 主持北京市自然基金项目《基于各向异性紧框架变换的多源遥感图像融合理论与应用研究》,4152029,2014.1-2017.12
4) 主持国家自然基金项目《基于框架理论的遥感图像压缩算法研究》,60775018,2008.1-2010.12
5) 主持国家973项目《高分辨率对地观测系统中的高精度实时运动成像基础研究》中的子课题《平台运动误差高精度实时评估理论与方法》,2009CB724001,2009.9-2014.12
发表论文 |
先后在国际权威期刊《IEEE Transactions on Image Processing》、《SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis》等和国内核心期刊发表60余篇论文.主要论文如下:
1. Xiaoyuan Yang, Jingkai Wang, Ridong Zhu, Random Walks for Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Fusion in Framelet Domain, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp.851-865, 2018.(SCI源刊)
2. Xiaocui Li, Xiaoyuan Yang, Error Estimates of Finite Element Methods for Stochastic Fractional Differential Equations, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp.346-362, 2017. (SCI源刊)
3. Yinghan Zhang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Stochastic elastic equation driven by multiplicative multi-parameter fractional noise, Stochastics and Dynamics, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.1-22, 2017. (SCI源刊)
4. Xiaocui Li, Xiaoyuan Yang, Yinghan Zhang, Error Estimates of Mixed Finite Element Methods for Time-Fractional Navier–Stokes Equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 70 ,No. 2, pp.500-515, 2017. (SCI源刊)
5. Ting Cheng, Xiaoyuan Yang, Compactly Supported Tight and Sibling Frames Based on Generalized Bernstein Polynomials, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2016, pp.1-13, 2016. (SCI源刊)
6. Ting Cheng, Xiaoyuan Yang, Analysis and construction of a family of refinable functions based on generalized Bernstein polynomials, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Vol. 2016, No. 166, pp.1-29, 2016. (SCI源刊)
7. Yinghan Zhang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Difference approximation of stochastic elastic equation driven by infinite dimensional noise, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.123-146. (SCI源刊)
8. Yinghan Zhang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Stochastic elastic equation driven by fractional Brownian motion, Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp.415-427, 2016. (SCI源刊)
9. Xiaoyuan Yang and Xiaocui Li, Ruisheng Qi, Yinghan Zhang, Full-Discrete Finite Element Method for Stochastic Hyperbolic Equation, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp.533–556, 2015. (SCI源刊)
10. Yinghan Zhang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Fractional Stochastic Volterra Equation Perturbed by Fractional Brownian Motion, Appl. Math. Comput., Vol. 256, No. 1, pp.20-36, 2015.(SCI源刊)
11. Yan Shi, Xiaoyuan Yang, Pansharpening of Multispectral Images Using the Nonseparable Framelet Lifting Transform with High Vanishing Moments, Information Fusion, Vol. 20, pp.213-224, 2014.(SCI源刊)
12. Yan Shi, Xiaoyuan Yang, Translation Invariant Directional Framelet Transform Combined with Gabor Filters for Image Denoising, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.44-55, 2014.(SCI源刊)
13. Juncheng Dan, Xiaoyuan Yang, Random Error Modeling and Analysis of Airborne LIDAR Systems, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp.3885-3894, 2014.(SCI源刊)
14. Reisheng Qi, Xiaoyuan Yang, Full-discrete Finite Element Method for Stochastic Elastic Equation Driven by an Additive Noise, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp.1946-1962, 2013.(SCI源刊)
15. Reisheng Qi, Xiaoyuan Yang, Weak Convergence of Finite Element Method for Stochastic Elastic Equation Driven by Additive Noise, Journal of Scientific Computing,Vol. 56, No. 3, pp.450-470, 2013.(SCI源刊)
16. Xiaoyuan Yang,Reisheng Qi, Nonconforming Finite Element Method for Stochastic Stokes Equations, Applied Mathematical Modelling,Vol. 37, No. 8, pp.6110-6118, 2013.(SCI源刊)
17. Reisheng Qi, Xiaoyuan Yang, A Nonconforming Rectangular Finite Element Pair for the Darcy-Stokes-Brinkman Model, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp.510-530, 2013. (SCI)
18. Yuanyuan Duan, Xiaoyuan Yang, The Finite Element Method of a Euler Scheme for Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations Involving the Turbulent Component, International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.727-744, 2013.(SCI源刊)
19. Xiaoyuan Yang, Reisheng Qi, A Posteriori Analysis of Finite Element Discretizations of Stochastic Partial Differential Delay Equations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp.1649-1663, 2012.(SCI源刊)
20. Xiaoyuan Yang, Shi Yan, The Lifting Factorization of Wavelet Bi-frames with Arbitrary Generators, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 82, No. 4, pp.570- 589, 2011.(SCI源刊)
21. Yan Shi, Xiaoyuan Yang, The Lifting Factorization and Construction of Wavelet Bi-frames with Arbitrary Generators and Scaling, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 20, No. 9, pp.2439-2449, 2011.(SCI源刊)
22. Xiaoyuan Yang, Yan Shi, Construction of Parameterizations of Masks for Tight Wavelet Frames with Two Symmetric/Antisymmetric Generators and Application in Image Compression and Denosing, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 235, No. 8, pp.2112-2136, 2011.(SCI源刊)
23. Xiaoyuan Yang, Jie Min, Yan Shi, Parametrization Construction Frame of Lifting Scheme, IET Singal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.1-15, 2011.(SCI源刊)
24. Xiaoyuan Yang, Yan Shi, A General Framework of the Construction of Biorthogonal Wavelets Based on Bernstein Bases: Theory Analysis and Application in Image Compression. IET Computer Vision, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.50-67, 2011.(SCI源刊)
25. Xiaoyuan Yang, Yan Shi, The Lifting Scheme for Wavelet Bi-frames: Theory , Structure, and Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,Vol. 19, No. 3, pp.612-624, 2010.(SCI源刊)
26. Xiaoyuan Yang, Yuanyuan Duan, A Posteriori Error Estimates for Finite Element Approximation of Unsteady Incompressible Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp.1579-1600, 2010.(SCI源刊)
27. Xiaoyuan Yang, etc, Lifting Construction Based on Bernstein Bases and Application in Image Compression, IET Image Processing, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp.385-402, 2010.(SCI源刊)
28. Xiaoyuan Yang, Wei Wang, Yuanyuan Duan, The Approximation of a Crank-Nicolson Scheme for the Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 225, No. 1, pp.31-43, 2009. (SCI源刊)
29. Xiaoyuan Yang, Hui Ren, Embedded Zerotree Wavelets Coding Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Clustering for Image Compression, Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp.812-819, 2008. (SCI源刊)
30. Rui Yang, Xiaoyaun Yang, Fractal Image Compression Algorithms Based on Possibility theory, Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp.183-195, 2007. (SCI源刊) |
教学活动 |
主讲视频公开课《工科数学分析》(一)、(二) ,已在教育部我爱课程网在线。 ![]()
4)杨小远等,有限覆盖定理的教学研究与实践,《高等数学研究》, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp.116-119, 2014.
5)杨小远等, 闭区间套定理的逐步逼近思想教学研究与实践, 《高等数学研究》, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp.83-86, 2013.
6)杨小远, 李尚志, 大学一年级学生创新能力培养探索与实践,《大学数学》, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp.13-21, 2012.
7)杨小远等, 泰勒公式与插值逼近的教学实践, 《高等数学研究》, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp.82-85, 2012.
8)杨小远等, 工科数学分析中的探索类问题及教学案例, 《高等数学研究》, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp.98-102, 2012.
9)杨小远等, 数学分析中若干具有共性理论的问题, 《高等数学研究》, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp.105-110, 2011.
10)杨小远等, 《工科数学分析》开放式教学探讨, 《大学数学》, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp.1-6, 2011.
11)杨小远等, 关于函数一致连续研究性的教学, 《高等数学研究》, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp.50-53, 2011.
12)李卫国, 杨小远, 《工科数学分析》课程建设思索, 《大学数学》, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp.7-10, 2006.
1)王玮彬(39192109), 马建华(39191221), 杨小远, 向量函数一致连续的比较判别方法研究,《理论数学》, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.45-52, 2012.
2)杨小远, 范子沛(38060505), 孙玉泉, 《工科数学分析》中的探索类问题及教学案例, 《高等数学研究》, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp.98-102, 2012.
3)王建元(39061422), 张博宇(390614080), 杨小远, 二重级数收敛性研究,《河南科学》, Vol. 29, No. 12, pp.1387-1397, 2011.
4)孙玉泉, 张文峰(39027126), 杨小远, 微积分中积分的统一与运算,《河南科学》, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp.391-396, 2011.
5)张凯(39061511), 唐文琦(39061629), 魏华(39061525), 杨若松(39061629), 杨小远, 基于抛物线逼近法方法的常微分方程数值解法研究,《河南科学》, Vol.29, No.2, pp.127-132, 2011.
6)杨小远, 叶子豪(38060228), 杨南君(38060226), 关于正项级数判别法的进一步研究,《河南科学》, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp.510-514, 2010.
7)杨小远, 马建华(39191221), 张立文(39191224), 王玮彬(39192109), 关于函数一致连续性的判别方法研究,《河南科学》, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp.635-637, 2010.
8)杨小远, 周渝智(39192119), 林柏洪(39191121), N阶导数值计算的外推算法研究,《河南科学》, Vol. 28, No. 7, pp.762-766, 2010.
9)杨小远, 王玮彬(39192109), 张立文(39191224), 振荡函数一致连续性研究,《河南科学》, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp.899-900, 2010.
10)杨小远, 王玮彬(39192109), 马建华(39191221), 多元振荡函数一致连续性研究,《河南科学》, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp.1061-1064, 2010.
11)杨小远, 林柏洪(39191121), 张权(39191205), 高维理查森外推算法的研究和应用,《河南科学》, Vol. 28, No. 10, pp.1213-1220, 2010.
12)杨小远, 王玮彬(39192109), 马建华(39191221), 多元函数一致连续的比较判别方法研究,《河南科学》, Vol. 28, No. 12, pp.1501-1503, 2010.
13)张凯(39061511), 唐文琦(39061629), 魏华(39061525), 杨若松(39061629), 魏成(39061523), 杨小远, 关于罗尔定理的进一步讨论,《高等数学研究》, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp.58-60, 2010.
14)高英恺(10061179), 王安然(10061210), 王翔(10061176), 谭传奇(10061189), 郭立轩(10061196), 杨小远, Leibniz公式与分部积分公式的推广及应用,《高等数学研究》, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp.56-59, 2013.
15)刘俊龙(10061073), 李宏(10061069), 石岭千(10061059), 杨小远, 关于定积分概念应用问题的几点补充证明,《河南科学》, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp.669-673, 2012.
16)马国庆(10061077), 宋翰(10061074), 杨小远, STOLZ定理的逆定理及推广,《高等数学研究》, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp.19-21, 2012.
所获奖励 |
社会工作 |
国际权威期刊《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》、《Information Sciences》、《IEEE Transactions on Image Processing》、《International Journal of Computer Mathematics》、《IET signal Processing》、《IET Control Theory & Applications》等审稿人.
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北京航空航天大学 |