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姓 名 |
刘敬伟(硕导) |
职 称 |
副教授 |
所属系别 |
统计、运筹与控制系 |
学科专业 |
1 随机过程的理论及其应用,金融数学;2 统计学习,生物统计;3 模式识别(语音识别,说话人识别,基因识别,图像识别;4 信号与信息处理,数据挖掘,智能计算;5 软件可靠性,软件检测 |
办公地点 |
主南407 |
办公电话 |
电子邮件 |
jwliu@buaa.edu.cn |
教育背景 |
PhD & Associate Prof. Jing-wei Liu, was born in China in 1970. He received the Ph.D. degree from School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, China, in 2002, and obtained a Postdoctoral Researcher position in Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, from 2003 to 2005. In 2005, he joined the faculty of School of Mathematics and System Sciences, Beihang University ( Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics ), where he is an associate professor and M.S candidate advisor. His research interests include Stochastic Process and Its Application, Pattern Recognition (speech recognition, image recognition), Signal Processing, Intelligence Computation, Bioinformatics, Mathematical Finance, Statistical Learning and Machine Learning, Software Engineering. |
工作简历 |
科研项目 |
Funds & Projects
[1]. 2003.1—2005.1 “Research of robust speech recognition in real environment”. Post-doctoral Science Fund of China (No. 2003033145). [2]. 2006.3-2006.6 “Statistical Analysis System of Softeware Reliability”. ****** Coporation Fund (No. 2006-49-8-4). [3]. 2008.1—2010.12. Complex Network Construction and Analysis of Molecular Protein and Its Application in Liver Cancer. “863” Project of China (2008AA02Z306). Participant [4]. 2009.1—2011.12. Causal Inference and Statistical Analysis of Imcomplete Data. Natural Science Foundation for the Youth of China NSFC(10801019). Participant [5]. 2014.1—2018.12. 2014.1--2018.12. Space missions replaceable free base gravity compensation device testing and verification. Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.61327807). Participant |
发表论文 |
[1]. Jingwei Liu, QianSheng Cheng, ZhongGuo Zheng, Minping Qian. A DTW-based probability model for speaker feature analysis and data mining. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTER 23 (11): 1271-1276 SEP 2002.(Elsevier)(SCI,EI)
[2]. Jingwei Liu, Qiansheng Cheng.Dynamic Programming Based Gene Chip Recognition. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium, Universitatis Pekinensis.Vol.38, No.5, 611-615, 2002. (Chinese) (CA 、SA)
[3]. Jingwei Liu, Qiansheng Cheng. AR-Model-Based Gene Chip Recognition. Journal of Biomathematics (China). 18(3): 328-332,2003. (Chinese)
[4]. Jingwei Liu. A DTW-Based DAG Technique for Speech and Speaker Feature Analysis. EUROSPEECH 2003. September 1-4, 2003 – Geneva, Switzerland. (English)
[5]. Jingwei Liu. Research on Channel, Noise and Speaker Adaptation. The 7th National Conference on Human Machine Speech Communication. Xiamen ,China. pp143-148. Nov. 2003. (Chinese)
[6]. Liu Jingwei, Wang Zuoying, Xiao Xi. Combination of One-class SVM and HMM for Robust Speech Recognition in Additive Noise Environment. High Technology Letters (supplement). vol 10 Sppl. 85-90,2004.(English)
[7]. Jingwei Liu, Meizhi Xu, Zhongguo Zheng, Qiansheng Cheng. DTW-based feature selection for speech and speaker recognition. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. No.1, 50-54, 2005. (Chinese) (EI)
[8]. Liu Jingwei,Wang Zuoying, Xiao Xi. Autoregressive model-based robust speech recognition in additive noise environment.Journal of Tsinghua University(Science & Technology), 46(1):50-53,2006.(EI) (Chinese)
[9]. Liu Jingwei, Xiao Xi.Research and Prospect on Robustness Technology in Real-environment Speech Recognition. Computer Engineering and Applications. 42(24):7-12,2006. (Chinese)
[10]. Jingwei Liu, Zuoying Wang, Xi Xiao. A Hybrid SVM/DDBHMM Decision Fusion Modelling for Robust Continuous Digital Speech Recognition. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTER . 2007 ,28(8): 912-920.(SCI,EI)
[11]. Liu Jingwei,Wang Zuoying. Adaptive Training One-Class SVM/HMM Combination Model for Noise-Robust Speech Recognition. NCSP'07, 409-412, 2007.3.
[12]. Liu Jingwei,Xu Meizhi. Bezdek type fuzzy attribute C-means clustering algorithm. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 33(9): 1121--1126, 2007.(EI) (Chinese)
[13]. Liu Jingwei. The Statistical Properties of Parameters and Implied Volatility from European Power Function Call Option. Application of Statistics and Management. 26(6): 1019-1026. 2007. (Chinese)
[14]. Liu Jingwei, Hu Yubiao, Wang Xiaoling, Xu Meizhi. Novel Nonlinear Least Square Parameter Estimation Method for Jelinski-Moranda Model. 20(18):4791-4794 ,2008. (EI) (Chinese)
[15]. Liu Jingwei,Li Cen,Hou Shuai. Image Segmentation Using Parallel Fusion Method Based on Level Set. Computer Engineering and Applications. 44(16):160-162,2008. (Chinese)
[16]. Jingwei Liu,Meizhi Xu. Kernelized Fuzzy Attribute Means Clustering Algorithm. Fuzzy sets and systems. 159(18): 2428-2445.2008.(SCI,EI)
[17]. LIU Jing wei. Pricing European Power-function Option Under Exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process and Vasicěk Interest Rate with Martingale Method. MATHEMATICS IN PRACTICE AND THEORY.39(1):31-39,2009. (Chinese)
[18]. Jingwei Liu, Minghua Deng, Minping Qian. Feature--based Causal Structure Discovery in Protein and Gene Expression Data with Bayesian Network. ICNC09,144-148. (EI/ISTP)
[19]. Jingwei Liu. Quanto European Power-Function Options Pricing with Martingales Method and Hedging. MATHEMATICS IN PRACTICE AND THEORY. 2010,40(14):1-8.. (Chinese)
[20]. Jingwei Liu, Minping Qian.Protein function prediction using Kernel Logistic Regression with ROC Curves. ICBSSP 2010. 139-143. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011, 234:491-502. (EI)
[21]. Jingwei Liu.Mathematical Intuition Training in Advanced Algebra Teaching. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Sciences Edition). 2012,25(2):116-120.
[22]. Jingwei Liu, Meizhi Xu. Function Based Nonlinear Least Squares and Application to Jelinski--Moranda Software Reliability Model. 2010. http://arxiv.org/abs/1108.5185 2011.
[23]. Jingwei Liu,Shuang Hu, Confounding of three binary-variables counterfactual model. http://arxiv.org/abs/1108.1497 . 2011.
Jingwei Liu,Shuang Hu, Confounding of three binary-variables counterfactual model with DAG. Applied Mathematics. 2013. 4 (10):1397-1404. DOI: 10.4236/am.2013.410189. [24]. Kang Jin , Liu Jing-wei. Prediction Results Comparison of Non-parametric regression estimation with Neural Network. Statistics and Decision. 23: 153-155,2009. (Chinese)
[25]. Jingwei Liu, Shuang Hu, Jin Kang, Jiwen Luo. Kernel Function Selection of Nonparametric Estimation of Backward Stochastic Differential Equation. Statistics & Information Forum. 2011,26(11):8-11. . (Chinese)
[26]. Jingwei Liu, Xing Chen .Implied volatility formula of European Power Option Pricing. http://arxiv.org/abs/1203.0599. 2012.
[27] Jingwei Liu. The Proof of Cramer's Rule with Matrix and Its Application in Linear Algebra Teaching System. 2012. (will appear). 2013 3rd Teaching Seminars on Higher Education Science and Engineering Courses (HESEC2013). Dec. 28-29.2013. Harbin, China.
Manuscript (submitted)
[1]. Liu Jingwei. The Extension of Three-Variable Counterfactual Casual Graphic Model :from Two-Value to Three-Value Random Variable. 2008. Revision. (Chinese) also http://arxiv.org/ 2012.
[2] Jingwei Liu, Meizhi Xu. Penalty Constraints and Kernelization of M-Estimation Based Fuzzy C--Means. 2010. 2012 submitted. http://arxiv.org/ 2012
[3]. LIU Jingwei,LUO Jiwen,HU Shuang, Chen Xing. Pricing of European Basket Call Options under Exponential Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process. Submitted 2010.9. (Chinese)
[4] Jingwei Liu. Protein Function Prediction Based on Kernel Logistic Regression with 2-order Graphic Neighbor Information. http://arxiv.org/ 2012
[5] Jingwei Liu. Inequality for Variance of Weighted Sum of Correlated Random Variables. 2012 |
教学活动 |
所获奖励 |
社会工作 |
He is the reviewer of the following journals and Conference:
[1] Pattern Recognition Letters.
[2] Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (China) [5] Journal of Pattern Recognition Research
[6] Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (natural science edition) (China)
[7] Journal of Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology(Natural Science Edition) (China)
[8] ICNC-FSKD2009
[9] Science & Technology Review (China)
[10] Journal of Electronics(China)
[11] International Journal of Computer Mathematics
[12] Information Sciences
[13] Journal of Shanghai JiaoTong University(Science)(China)
[14] Journal of Applied Statistics
[15] Journal of Engineering Mathematics (China)
[16] Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
[17] Fuzzy sets and systems He is also a reviewer of Croatian Science Foundation in 2011.
He is the member of Institute of probability and statistics of China , and the member of China Computer Federation.
推荐链接 |
Chinese Version Link http://graduate.buaa.edu.cn/ch/daoshi/index.jhtml |