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【数学论坛及分析与偏微分方程讨论班】Hyperbolic motion in the Newtonian N-body problem with arbitrary limit shape

发布日期:2022-01-12    点击:




Hyperbolic motion in the Newtonian N-body problem with arbitrary limit shape

Andrea Venturelli

Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Avignon, France

报告时间:21:00-22:002022-1-17 (星期一)

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摘要We prove for the N-body problem the existence of hyperbolic motions for any prescribed limit shape and any given initial configuration of the bodies. The energy level h>0 of the motion can also be chosen arbitrarily. Our approach is based on the construction of a global viscosity solutions for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation H(x,du(x))=h. Our hyperbolic motion is in fact a calibrating curve of the viscosity solution. The presented results can also be viewed as a new application of Marchal's theorem, whose main use in recent literature has been to prove the existence of periodic orbits. It is a joint work with Ezequiel Maderna.

报告人简介:Andrea Venturelli,法国Université d´Avignon教授,研究领域包含动力系统、变分法和N体问题等,在Ann. of Math. , Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.CVPDE等著名杂志上发表多篇论文。



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