On the Polyak momentum variants of the greedy deterministic single and multiple row-action methods
报告时间:2023年8月8日 星期二 下午15:00-16:00
报告摘要:For solving a consistent system of linear equations, the classical row-action method, such as Kaczmarz method, is a simple while really effective iteration solver. Based on the greedy index selection strategy and Polyak's heavy-ball momentum acceleration technique, we propose two deterministic row-action methods and establish the corresponding convergence theory. We show that our algorithm can linearly converge to a least-squares solution with minimum Euclidean norm. Several numerical studies have been presented to corroborate our theoretical findings. Real-world applications, such as data fitting in computer-aided geometry design, are also presented for illustrative purposes.
报告人简介:吴念慈,2020年6月毕业于武汉大学,获计算数学博士学位;同年8月,进入中南民族大学数统学院工作。研究方向为数值代数、反问题等,现已在Inverse Problems、Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications等计算数学专业杂志上发表SCI论文多篇。