

报告题目:The Refined FEAST Method And Its BackwardStability Analysis
报告摘要: Thispaper proposes a new method called the Refined FEAST method based on the FEASTalgorithm. The FEAST algorithm is a subspace iteration method for solvingeigenvalue problems. But it has the same problems as traditional methods thatis the Ritz vector may fail to converge. The refined eigenvector of the newmethod can overcome this problem. It can unconditionally converge to thedesired eigenvector with the convergence of the subspace. The analysis showsthat the new method has better numerical stability than the original FEASTmethod. Finally, we use numerical experiments to confirm the theory results.
1.Liu Yang, Yuquan Sun *, Fanghui Gong, The inexact residual iteration method forquadratic eigenvalue problem and the analysis of convergence, Journal ofComputational and Applied Mathematics, 2018(2).
2.Gong F H, Sun Y Q. A new shift strategy for the implicitly restartedgeneralized second-order Arnoldi method (in Chinese). Sci Sin Math, 2017, 47:635-650.
3. Ovchinnikov, Yuquan Sun,Enßlin, Torsten A, et al. Supersymmetric theory of stochastic ABC model[J].Journal of Physics Communications, 2018, 2(6).

报告摘要: 飞行器结构优化中位移和应变敏度的高效计算是制约整个算法计算效率的技术瓶颈。针对飞行器结构优化问题,充分利用问题中稀疏矩阵的特点,通过综合运用随机奇异值分解、SuperLU和扩展的SMW算法等技术,发展了一种针对飞行器结构优化中位移和应变敏度计算的快速算法。数值结果表明所发展的求解器的有效性和高效性。
报告人简介:朱立永,2007年于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院取得理学博士学位。 2009年入职北航数学与系统科学学院任讲师,2015年任计算科学系副教授。研究方向:高性能算法及其在科学工程中的应用。感兴趣的领域:有限元,快速算法,并行计算,网格生成、人工智能等。
1. Qiang Du, Desheng Wang and Liyong Zhu,On Mesh Geometry and Stiffness Matrix Conditioning for General Finite ElementSpaces, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 47(2009), 1421-1444.
2. Liyong Zhu and Qiang Du, Meshdependent stability and condition number estimates for finite element approximationsof parabolic equations, Mathematics of Computation, 83 (2014), 37-64.
3. Liyong Zhu, Lili Ju, Weidong Zhao,Fast High-Order Compact Exponential Time Differencing Runge–Kutta Methods forSecond-Order Semilinear Parabolic Equations, Journal of Scientific Computing,67(2016),1043–1065.

报告题目: 多项式系统的符号求解
报告摘要: 在本报告中,我将围绕着多项式系统求解这一符号计算领域的核心研究问题简述个人的学术进展,主要包括:(1)用于Groebner基换序的高效稀疏FGLM算法;(2)基于弦图理论的自上而下形式的三角分解研究;(3)融合Groebner基和三角列的特征分解理论。
报告人简介:牟晨琪,男,皇冠线上官网讲师。他的主要研究领域是符号计算,特别是利用三角列和Groebner基等代数工具来求解多项式系统及其应用。他目前是期刊《Journal ofSystems Science and Complexity》、《系统科学与数学》编委,以程序委员会副主席、组委会联合主席等身份参与组织了CM2020和ISSAC2019等多项国内外学术活动。
1.J.-C. Faugère and C. Mou. Sparse FGLMalgorithms. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 80: 538-569, 2017.
2. C. Mou, Y. Bai, and J. Lai.Chordal graphs in triangular decomposition in top-down style. Journal ofSymbolic Computation, in press.
3. D. Wang, R. Dong, and C.Mou. Decomposition of polynomial sets into characteristic pairs. Mathematics ofComputation, 89: 1993-2015, 2020.
1. Retrieving geometric information from images:the case of hand-drawn diagrams. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 31(4):934–971, 2017。

1. JiaxinXie, ZhiqiangXu, Subset selection for matrices with fixed blocks, arXiv:1903.06350.
2. Yuan Lei, JiaxinXie, A symmetric alternating minimization algorithm for total variationminimization, arXiv: 2002.09180, to appear in Signal Processing
3. JiaxinXie, A note on restricted invertibility with weighted columns,arXiv: 2005.01070.

报告题目: Exact boundary conditions of 1D nonlocalSchrödinger equations and its numerical analysis
报告摘要: A general method is proposed to constructexact artificial boundary conditions (ABCs) for the 1D non-local Schrödingerequation and non-local heat equation. The stability and the convergent rate areproved rigorously. The method canbe applied to modeling of wave propagation of general non-local theories andhigh dimensional cases.
1. Accurateartificial boundary conditions for the semi-discretized linear Schrödinger andheat equations on rectangular domains. Computer Physics Communications, 2018,22:84-93.
2. ALmost EXactboundary conditions for transient Schrdinger-Poisson system. Journal ofComputational Physics, 2016, 313: 233-246.
3. Approximatelinear relations for Bessel functions. Communications in Mathematical Sciences,2017,15:1967-1986.

报告题目: 多元多项式矩阵分解研究
报告摘要: 多元多项式矩阵的分解问题主要来源于多维系统、信号处理等工程领域。多元多项式矩阵分解是指将一个矩阵分解为若干个矩阵的乘积,并满足一定的关系。在本次报告中,我将简要介绍多元多项式矩阵分解的具体问题,以及相关工作进展。
1. Kapur D., Lu D., MonaganM., Sun Y., Wang D., Algorithms for computing greatest common divisors ofparametric multivariate polynomials. Journal of Symbolic Computation(2019), .
2. Lu D., Wang D., Xiao F., Zhou J., Extending the GVW algorithmto local ring. In proceedings of 43rd ISSAC, 271-278, 2018.
3. Lu D., Ma X., Wang D., Anew algorithm for general factorizations of multivariate polynomial matrices. Inproceedings of 42nd ISSAC, 277-284, 2017.

报告题目: 格理论的研究及其应用
1. Hai-feng Zhang, Meng Zhou, Guang-junZhang. Correction to “A study of covering dimension for the class of finite lattices” [Discrete Mathematics 338 (2015) 1096–1110].[J] Discrete Mathematics, Volume 339, Issue 6, 6 June 2016, Pages 1722-1723.
2. Hai-feng Zhang, Meng Zhou, Guang-junZhang. Answer to some open questions on covering dimension for finite lattices,[J] Discrete Mathematics, Volume 340, Issue 5, May 2017, Pages 1086-1091.